Naughton N, Cahoon S, Sutton B, and Georgiadis JG. Accelerated, physics-inspired inference of skeletal muscle microstructure from diffusion-weighted MRI . arXiv:2306.11125
Tekinapl A, Naughton N, Kim SH, Halder U, Gillette R, Mehta PG, Kier W, and Gazzola M. Topology, dynamics, and control of an octopus-analog muscular hydrostat. arXiv:2304.08413
Shih CH, Naughton N, Halder U, Chang HS, Kim SH, Gillette R, Mehta PG, and Gazzola M. Hierarchical control and learning of a foraging CyberOctopus. Advanced Intelligent Systems, 2023; 0(00):2300088.
Chang HS, Halder U, Shih CH, Naughton N, Gazzola M, and Mehta PG. Energy Shaping Control of a Muscular Octopus Arm Moving in Three Dimensions. Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 2023; 479:20220593.
Naughton N, Sun J, Tekinalp A, Parthasarathy T, Chowdhary G, and Gazzola M. Elastica: A compliant mechanics environment for soft robotic control. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2021; 6(2):3389-3396.
Zhang, XZ, Naughton N, Parthasarathy T, and Gazzola M. Friction modulation in limbless, three-dimensional gaits and heterogeneous terrains. Nature Communications, 2021; 12:6076.
Chang HS, Halder U, Gribkova E, Tekinalp A, Naughton N, Gazzola M, and Mehta PG. Controlling a CyberOctopus Soft Arm with Muscle-like Actuation. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2021; p.1383-1390.
Sullivan DJ, Wu X, Gallo NR, Naughton N, Georgiadis JG, and Pelegri AA. Sensitivity analysis of effective transverse viscoelastic and diffusional properties of tissue with myelinated axons. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2021; 66(3):035027.
Naughton N, Tennyson CG, and Georgiadis JG. Lattice Boltzmann method for simulation of diffusion magnetic resonance imaging physics in multiphase tissue models. Physical Review E, 2020; 102(4):043305.
Naughton, N and Georgiadis JG. Global sensitivity analysis of skeletal muscle dMRI metrics: Effects of microstructural and pulse parameters. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine; 2020; 83:1458–1470.
Naughton N and Georgiadis JG. Comparison of two-compartment exchange and continuum models of dMRI in skeletal muscle. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2019; 64(15):155004.
Naughton N, and Georgiadis JG. Connecting Diffusion MRI to Skeletal Muscle Microstructure: Leveraging Meta-Models and GPU-acceleration. Proceedings of the Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing on Rise of the Machines (learning) (PEARC ‘19). p7, (July 2019), Chicago, IL, USA.
Naughton N, Plourde BD, Stark JR, Hodis S, and Abraham JP. Impacts of waveforms on the fluid flow, wall shear stress, and flow distribution in cerebral aneurysms and the development of a universal reduced pressure. Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering; 2014; 7(01):7.